Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Just Do It.

My dad was not the kind of man you went to for sympathy. He had a very straightforward, black and white attitude to life, and his answer every time something went wrong was "That's life. get on with it."
Don't get me wrong, he was a lovely man who'd be first on the scene to help you out, but he had no time for wallowers or quitters. His philosphy was simple - if you can do something about your situation, do it. If not, get over it.
In some ways, this was a negative thing because I didn't feel as emotionally close to him as I'd have liked. If I felt upset about something, I'd have never gone to him about it as he was not one for tea and sympathy. However, it was a huge positive in the sense that I grew up to have a similar outlook on life. I don't wallow in self pity when things go wrong, I find a way out, and I'm very proud of my ability to turn a disasterous situation around as soon as possible.
I don't let things happen, I make things happen!

This was a huge advantage this week. We were due to move into mum's house on friday past, so you can imagine my dismay when I woke up on the thursday to find everywhere covered in snow! The weather forecast said it was only going to get worse and they even predicted the worst blizzards for over 100 years! Damn.
We had a van booked for the following day, but it was pretty obvious that even driving a car in our street was going to be a challenge, let alone a huge van! Steven wanted to just admit defeat and put off the move until the weather improved, but I was having none of it!
this move has been on the cards since february, and I have been absolutely desperate to move in before Christmas. The weather was set to continue for several weeks, so I was having none of it - we were moving and that was that!
I cancelled the van and phoned a friend to ask if he'd help me move the big stuff before the weather got any worse. He agreed, and I was delighted! Steven went off to work, I dropped the kids off and immediately rushed home and dismantled all my furniture singlehandedly, then phoned my friend to say I was ready. He said "Oh, today? I thought you meant tomorrow. I'm fully booked today."
ARGH! Meanwhile, there was a raging blizzard outside and I had no way of getting my big stuff moved!
Well, I had a minor panic for a few minutes and then set about doing what I could manage on my own. Lots of things were thrown into boxes and chucked into the car, and I even had my TV wrapped in a duvet, inside a bin bag and on a sledge!
Several trips later, and I had managed to move a good amount of stuff completely on my own. I was really proud of myself for taking the bull by the horns and making it happen!
The next day, Steven was off, so despite the roads being even worse, we flattened all the seats in the car and managed to squeeze our 2 seater sofa inside - it was like something out of Pimp My Ride, you'd have thought we were trying to make a limo!
Our friend did eventually manage to help us take the 3 seater sofa and our double mattress over, and we now have the bulk of our moving done, phew!
We've got a long way to go in terms of getting the old house completely emptied and what we'll do with it now, since it's not selling, is anyone's guess, but that's another post for another day!
Anyhoo, the point of today's post is, don't put things off and absolutely don't give up at the first, second or even third hurdle. If something needs to be done, don't think about what is in your way - Just do It.

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