I had a blog before, based on saving money, but I was pretty disorganised about keeping up with it, and a lot has changed since I last wrote in it, so I thought it was time for a fresh start.
My life is pretty complicated just now. At the beginning of this year, my lovely dad went into hospital, and my life became a crazy, stress filled time of juggling hospital visits with working part time, taking care of my 2 kids (aged 7 and 3), trying to keep my house in order, supporting my mum and dealing with a spiralling debt crisis.
It made me ill, and I felt constantly torn between what I was doing, what I should have been doing, and what I wanted to be doing.
I swore that as soon as I could think straight, I would find a way to simplify my life so I wasn't constantly on edge, and could find time to actually enjoy nuggets of my day. After all, life is short and unpredictable, and must be enjoyed and appreciated.
Sadly, my dad passed away 6 weeks ago, which has been a horrible time, but I'm glad that he is at peace. Of course, I still support my mum a lot but she is doing really well.
I've taken a new job with fixed hours, working as an auxilliary in a hospice, which makes life easier to plan and means I can factor in more quality time with my husband and kids.
As for the debt crisis, we are about to sell our house and move in with my mum. Hopefully this means we can clear our feet and start afresh. We might even be able to save a little!
Plus, my mum gets to be with her favourite people every day - win/win!
Of course, in the meantime, the money situation is pretty dire, but the sonner we can get the house on the market, the better.
Which brings me on to the house...
This is probably the biggest cause of my stress. I used to think that we didn't have enough room. It was the house's fault, it was just too small! Not enough storage, yada yada yada...
No. It's not the house's fault. It's OUR fault. We have too much stuff. Way too much!
The cupboards and drawers are full of clothes we never wear. The bedrooms are full of toys they never play with. The loft and garage are full of stuff that might come in handy one day, might be slimmed into, might be worth something, might be fixed, argh!
I need to simplify. That is my goal.
I am sick and tired of spending entire weekends frantically tidying, cleaning, ironing and wishing I could do something fun instead. I want to enjoy life!
I plan to take one room at a time and ruthlessly pare down, weed out, minimise and clean. Then I plan to never let my house get so filled up with meaningless stuff ever again!
Come and join me on my journey from junk junkie to minimalist mama!
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